DBSA California Support
Group Guidelines
1. Share the air
Everyone who wishes to share has an opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize the group time.
2. One person speaks at a time
Each person should be allowed to speak without interruption or side conversations.
3. What is said here stays here
This is the essential principle of confidentiality; it must be respected by everyone. Toprotect the privacy of others, it is best to attend the meetings in a private location. If you must attend the meeting in the presence of others, please use headphones or earbuds.
4. Differences of opinion are o.k.
We are all entitled to our own point of view.
5. We are all equal
We accept cultural, linguistic, social, racial, and all other differences and we promote their acceptance.
6. Use “I” language
Because we don’t participate in discussion groups as credentialed professionals, we can’t instruct. We can, however, share from our own personal experiences. For example, instead of saying “you should do X,” say “when I was faced with a similar problem, I . . .” We should always frame our comments in the context of our own experiences.
7. It’s o.k. not to share
People don’t have to share if they don’t want to.
8. It’s everyone’s responsibility to make the discussion groups a safe place to share
We respect confidentiality, treat each other with respect and kindness, and show compassion.